Yared Abera Deme

YALI Cohort 19 Alumna (Nairobi)

The Youth Print,

SECTOR: Climate Change

Fostering a more engaged, informed, and proactive youth community in Ethiopia and beyond.

Cultivating a climate-conscious generation.

Catalyzing innovation and sustainable solutions within communities

Resource mobilization

Driving Impact

There is an urgent need for innovative solutions and social entrepreneurship by the youth in the global south to champion climate action. However, the path to leveraging social entrepreneurship is fraught with weak governance systems, which often lack the agility and inclusivity necessary to foster progress.

The Youth Print addresses the urgent challenges of climate action and global governance by fostering youth engagement in policy development and implementation. The Youth Print o ers a platform for the youth to innovate and lead projects thereby amplifying their voices in national and global arenas. The organization bridges the gap between youth advocacy and formal representation in climate negotiations, evidenced by leadership and collaboration in global processes.