Riantsoa Mialinarindra

YALI Cohort 20 Alumna (Pretoria)

Sakafo Madagascar,

SECTOR: Agriculture - food processing

New production line capable of producing over 500 kg/hour potential.

Over 40 Full-time jobs have been created at our factory mostly for rural women.

Driving Impact

Small-scale farmers in Madagascar, face challenges including market and processing facility inaccessibility, leaving them unfairly compensated for their hard work. This leads to significant food waste and economic downturn. The lack of awareness about sustainable farming practices causes further harm to both the environment and public health.

Sakafo Madagascar reduces food losses, by processing a variety of nutritious products to help both small-scale farmers and consumers. Sakafo’s commitment to fair trade and sustainable farming practices ensures all agri-food stakeholders in Madagascar bene t. The organization raises awareness and builds farmer capacities in agricultural best practices for sustainability, climate resilience and health.